LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF Alexander Grigor'evich Babenko
- The exact constant in a weak-type inequality for polynomials,
in Internat. Conf. on the Theory of Approximation of Functions,
USSR, Kiev, May 30 - June 6, 1983, Abstracts of papers, Ukrain.
Akad. Nauk SSR, Inst. Mat., Kiev, 1983, page 11. In Russian.
- The exact constant in a weak-type inequality for polynomials,
Proc. Internat. Conf. on the Theory of Approximation of Functions,
USSR, Kiev, May 30 - June 6, 1983, Nauka, Moscow, 1987,
pp. 25-26. Bibliogr.: 2 ref. In Russian.
- An extremal problem for polynomials,
Mat. Zametki. 35 (1984),
no. 3, pp. 349-356; English translation: Math. Notes 35 (1984),
no. 3-4, pp. 181-186. Bibliogr.: 6 ref. (Math. Rev. 85i:42001).
- An extremal problem for polynomials with a fixed mean value,
in Approximation of Functions by Polynomials
and Splines, ed. Yu. N. Subbotin, Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ural. Tsentr,
Sverdlovsk, 1985, pp. 15-22, 149. Bibliogr.: 4 ref. In Russian.
(Math. Rev. 87j:42002).
- A property of the unit ball of an infinite-dimensional linear
normed space,
in Approximation of Functions by Polynomials and Splines,
ed. Yu. N. Subbotin, Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ural. Nauchn. Tsentr,
Sverdlovsk, 1985, pp. 23-24, 149. Bibliogr.: 3 ref.
In Russian. (Math. Rev. 87i:41030).
- An extremal problem for nonnegative trigonometric polynomials,
in Theory of Functions and Approximations, Part 2, Proc. of the
Second Saratov Winter School held in Saratov, January 24 -
February 5, 1984, ed. S.M. Nikol'skii, Saratov. Gos. Univ.,
Saratov, 1986, pp. 32-34. Bibliogr.: 2 ref.
(Math. Rev. see 89j:00036).
- Discrete Jackson inequality in a Hilbert space of periodic
functions given on uniform grid,
in Conference of Young
Mathematicians (Sverdlovsk, January 13-17, 1986), Information
Materials, Preprint, Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ural. Nauchn. Tsentr,
Sverdlovsk, 1986, pp. 8-9. Bibliogr.: 2 ref. In Russian.
- The exact constant in the Jackson inequality in L2,
Mat. Zametki 39 (1986), no. 5, pp. 651-664; English translation:
Math. Notes 39 (1986), no. 5-6, pp. 355-363. Bibliogr.: 11 ref.
(Math. Rev. 87j:42003).
- Discrete analog of the Jackson inequality in L2,
Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ural. Nauchn. Tsentr IMM, Sverdlovsk, 1986,
38 pages. Bibliogr.: 23 ref. The Manuscript is deposited in
VINITI 11.05.86. N 3369-B86. In Russian.
- The Jackson inequality in a space of square-summable functions,
in Theory of Functions and Approximations, Part 1, Proc. of the
Third Saratov Winter School held in Saratov, January 27 -
February 7, 1986, ed. S.M. Nikol'skii, Saratov. Gos. Univ.,
Saratov, 1987, pp. 134-136. Bibliogr.: 5 ref. In Russian.
(Math. Rev. see 90j:00006).
- (Coauthors: S.V. Konyagin and I.G. Csar'kov)
An approximation of solution of the equation f (x) = x,
in Differential Equations, Harmonic Analysis and Their
Applications, ed. O.A. Oleinik, V.A. Sadovnichii, P.L. Ul'yanov,
Moscow Univ., Moscow, 1987, pp. 59-62.
Bibliogr.: 4 ref. In Russian.
- A Jackson inequality in the space L2,
Approximation in
Concrete and Abstract Banach Spaces, ed. Yu. N. Subbotin, Akad.
Nauk SSSR, Ural. Nauchn. Tsentr, Sverdlovsk, 1987, pp. 4-14, 123.
Bibliogr.: 11 ref. In Russian. (Math. Rev. 89f:41020).
- Extremal properties of polynomials and exact estimations of
mean-square approximations,
Avtoreferat Dis. Kand. Fiz.-Mat. Nauk: 01.01.01.- Mat. Analiz,
Nadzag., UrGU, Sverdlovsk, 1987, 16 pages. Bibliogr.: 25 ref.
In Russian.
- The exact constant in the Jackson inequality in L2 in
case of small argument of the modulus of continuity,
Trudy Mat. Inst. im. V.A. Steklova 180 (1987), pp. 32-33;
English translation: Proc. of the Steklov
Inst. of Math. 180 (1987). Bibliogr.: 7 ref.
- A Jackson inequality for mean-square approximations of periodic
functions by trigonometric polynomials on a uniform net,
Mat. Zametki 43 (1988), no. 4, pp. 460-473;
English translation: Math. Notes 43 (1988), no. 3-4,
pp. 264-272. Bibliogr.: 15 ref. (Math. Rev. 89h:42004).
- Extremal properties of non-negative trigonometric polynomials
and Jackson inequality in L2,
in Extremal Problems of the Approximation Theory and Their
Applications, Abstracts of Communications of Republican
Scientific Conference, Kiev, May 29-31, 1990, ed.
N.P. Korneichuk, Inst. Mat. Akad. Nauk USSSR, Kiev, page 12.
Bibliogr.: 3 ref. In Russian.
- Weak-type inequalities for trigonometric polynomials,
Proc. of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Vol. 2,
Ross. Akad. Nauk Ural. Otdel., Inst. Mat. Mekh., Ekaterinburg,
1992, pp. 34-41, 225. Bibliogr.: 4 ref. In Russian.
(Math. Rev. 95k:42001).
- A best approximation of a class Wr2 by trigonometric
polynomials in C,
in Youth Conf. "Problems of Theoretical and Applied
Mathematics ", Abstracts of Communications of Conferences
N 22-24 held in 1991-1993 years, ed. V.I. Berdyshev,
RAN. UrO. IMM, Ekaterinburg, 1993, page 94. Bibliogr.: 2 ref.
In Russian.
- The Jackson inequality in L2 on sphere,
in Theory of Functions and Approximations, Part 1, Proc. of the
Seventh Saratov Winter School held in Saratov, January 30 -
February 4, 1994 (Memory of the Professor A.A. Privalov),
ed. S.M. Nikol'skii, Saratov. Gos. Univ., Saratov, 1995,
pp. 104-108. Bibliogr.: 8 ref. In Russian.
- Exact Jackson inequality in space L2 with Laguerre weight,
in The Algorithmic and Numerical Analysis of the Ill-posed
Problems, Abstracts of Communications of the All-Russia Scientific
Conference Dedicated to the Memory V.K. Ivanov, February 27 -
March 3, Ekaterinburg, 1995, ed. V.V. Vasin, UrGU, IMM UrO RAN,
Ekaterinburg, 1995, pp. 25-26. Bibliogr.: 5 ref. In Russian.
- Sharp Jackson-Stechkin inequality in L2 for functions
on multidimensional spheres,
Mat. Zametki 60 (1996), no. 3, pp. 333-355; English translation:
Math. Notes. 60 (1996), no. 3, pp. 248-263. Bibliogr.: 42 ref.
- The exact Jackson inequality in the space L2 with Jacobi
in Materials of the International Conference and Chebyshev
Readings, Dedicated to the to P.L. Chebyshev 175 Anniversary,
Vol. 1, Mech. and Math. Dep. of Moscow State University, Moscow,
1996, pp. 40-43. Bibliogr.: 7 ref. In Russian.
- (Coauthor: V.V. Arestov)
On Delsarte scheme of estimating the contact numbers,
Trudy Mat. Inst. im. V.A. Steklova
219 (1997), pp. 44-73; English translation: Proc. of the
Steklov Inst. of Math. 219 (1997), pp. 36-65.
Bibliogr.: 21 ref.
- Jackson-Stechkin constant in L2 on the segment with
Jacobi weight, on the sphere and projective spaces,
V Jornadas
Zaragoza-Pau de Matematica Aplicada y Estadistica, Jaca
15-16 de Septiembre de 1997. Conf. Resum. Particpantes.
Zaragoza-Pau, 1997, page 14. Bibliogr.: 4 ref. (In English).
- (Coauthor: V.V. Arestov)
An extremal problem connected with upper estimating the
contact numbers of Euclidean spaces,
in Modern Problems of the Theory of
Functions and Their Applications, Abstracts of Communications
of the Ninth Saratov Winter School held in Saratov,
January 26 - February 1, 1998, Saratov. Gos. Univ., Saratov,
1997, page 14. In Russian.
- (Coauthor: V.V. Arestov)
Some properties of solutions of Delsarte type problem and its
dual problem,
Izvestiya of the Tula State University.
Ser. Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics. Tula State University,
Tula, 4 (1998), no. 1, pp. 36-39, 162-163. Bibliogr.: 11 ref.
In Russian.
- (Coauthor: V.V. Arestov)
Properties of solutions of Delsarte type problem and its dual
in Geometric Aspects of Fourier and
Functional Analysis (Kiel, August 10-14, 1998), Mathematisches
Seminar Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel, Germany, 1998,
page 1.
- Sharp Jackson-Stechkin inequality in L2 on the segment
with Jacobi weight and projective spaces,
Izv. Ross. Akad. Nauk, Ser. Mat., 62 (1998), no. 6, pp. 27-52.;
English translation: Izvestiya: Mathematics, 62:6 (1998),
pp. 1095-1119. Bibliogr.: 49 ref.
- (Coauthors: N.I. Chernykh and V.T. Shevaldin)
Estimation of approximation of periodic function by trigonometric
polynomials by means of it the trigonometric modulus of
continuity in space L2,
in The Algorithmic
and Numerical Analysis of the Ill-posed Problems, Abstracts of
Communications of the All-Russia Scientific Conference Dedicated
to the Memory V.K. Ivanov, (Ekaterinburg, February 2-3, 1998),
ed. V.V. Vasin, UrGU, Ekaterinburg, 1998, pp. 41-42. Bibliogr.:
3 ref. In Russian.
- Sharp Jackson-Stechkin inequality in
L2(Rm) with
spherical modulus of continuity,
in Abstracts of Communications of Internat. Conf. "Approximation
Theory and Harmonic Analysis", Tula, Russia, May 26-29,1998,
Tula State University, Tula, 1998, pp. 26-28. In Russian.
- Sharp Jackson-Stechkin inequality in the space
Proc. of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Vol. 5,
Ross. Akad. Nauk Ural. Otdel., Inst. Mat. Mekh., Ekaterinburg,
1998, pp. 183-198, 333. Bibliogr.: 30 ref. In Russian.
- (Coauthor: V.V. Arestov)
Solution of an inverse Delsarte problem,
The Bulletin of Association of
Mathematical Programming. Scientific Edition, ed. L.D. Popov,
UrO RAN, Ekaterinburg, No. 8, 1999, pp. 25-26. Bibliogr.: 3 ref.
In Russian.
- (Coauthor: V.V. Arestov)
On the minimum distance of spherical codes cardinality of 24 and
25 in R4,
in Abstracts of Communications of the
Workshop "Modern Methods of the Theory of Functions and Adjacent
Problems", Voronezh, Russia, January 27 - February 4, 1999,
Voronezh Gos. Univ., Voronezh, 1999, page 18. Bibliogr.: 1 ref.
In Russian.
- (Coauthors: N.I. Chernykh and V.T. Shevaldin)
Jackson-Stechkin inequality in L2 with trigonometric
modulus of continuity,
Mat. Zametki, 65 (1999), no. 6, pp. 928-932;
English translation: Math. Notes. 65 (1999),
no. 6, pp. 777-781. Bibliogr.: 4 ref.
- (Coauthor: V.V. Arestov)
On Kissing Number in Four Dimensions,
(PS format),
(PDF format),
in Research Communications of the conference
held in the memory of Paul Erdös, Budapest, Hungary,
July 4-11, 1999, ed. A. Sali, M. Simonovits and V.T. Sos,
Janos Bolyai Math. Soc., Budapest,
1999, pp. 10-14. Bibliogr.: 11 ref.
- Sharp Jackson-Stechkin inequality for
mean-quadratic approximation on some classical manifolds,
Resumes, Fourth International Conference "Curves and
Surfaces", Saint-Malo, France, July 1-7, 1999,
Association Francaize d'Approximation, 1999, pp. 3-4.
Bibliogr.: 6 ref.
- Jackson-Stechkin constant in L2 on the segment with
Jacobi weight, on the sphere and projective spaces,
in Actas de las V Jornadas Zaragoza-Pau de Matematica
Aplicada y Estadistica, ed. Monique Madaue-Tort, Maria
Cruz Lopez De Silanes, Gerardo Sanz and Miguel San Miguel,
Publicaciones del Seminario Matematico GARCIA DE GALDEANO,
Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, 1999, pp. 109-116.
Bibliogr.: 18 ref.
- (Coauthor: V.V. Arestov)
On arrangements of 25 and 24 points on unit sphere of
Euclidean four-dimensional space,
Workshop on Theory of Functions "Ozersk-99", April 16-19,
1999, Abstracts of Communications, OTI MIFI, Ozersk,
1999, pp. 11-15. Bibliogr.: 13 ref. In Russian.
- (Coauthors: V.V. Arestov and M.V. Deikalova)
On Delsarte problem on the segment [-1,1/3] for ultraspherical
Workshop on Theory of Functions "Ozersk-99", April 16-19,
1999, Abstracts of Communications, OTI MIFI, Ozersk,
1999, pp. 16-20. Bibliogr.: 3 ref. In Russian.
- (Coauthors: V.V. Arestov and M.V. Deikalova)
Delsarte type problem connected with 1/3-spherical code
in Euclidean space of dimension 4, 5, 6,
in Proceedings of the S.B. Stechkin's International Workshop
on Theory of Functions (Miass of Chelyabinsk Province, Russia,
July 24 - August 3, 1998), Ural Branch of Russian Academy
of Sciences, Inst. of Math. and Mech., Ekaterinburg, 1999,
pp. 5-37. Bibliogr.: 18 ref. In Russian.
- Sharp Jackson-Stechkin inequality for L2-approximations
on the half-line with Laguerre weight,
in Proceedings of the S.B. Stechkin's International Workshop
on Theory of Functions (Miass of Chelyabinsk Province, Russia,
July 24 - August 3, 1998), Ural Branch of Russian Academy
of Sciences, Inst. of Math. and Mech., Ekaterinburg, 2000,
pp. 38-63. Bibliogr.: 33 ref. (In Russian).
- (Coauthors: N.I. Chernykh and V.T. Shevaldin)
Jackson-Stechkin inequality in L2 with modulus of
continuity generated by differential operator,
in Modern Problems of the Theory of Functions and Their
Applications, Abstracts of Communications of the
10th Saratov Winter School held in Saratov,
January 27 - February 2, 2000, Saratov. Gos. Univ., Saratov,
2000, pp. 12-13. In Russian.
- (Coauthors: N.I. Chernykh and V.T. Shevaldin)
Estimates of exact constant in Jackson-Stechkin inequality
in L2,
in Theory of approximation of functions and operators,
Abstracts of Communications of the International Conference
dedicated to the 80th birthday of S.B.Stechkin (Russia,
Ekaterinburg, February 28 - March 3, 2000), Ural. Gos. Univ.,
Ekaterinburg, 2000, pp. 18-20. Bibliogr.: 1 ref.
In Russian.
- (Coauthor: V.V. Arestov)
Estimates of maximal value of angular code distance for
24 and 25 points on unit sphere in
Mat. Zametki, 68 (2000), no. 4, pp. 483-503; English translation:
Math. Notes. 68 (2000), no. 4, pp. 419-435. Bibliogr.: 24 ref.
- On minimal Jackson-Stechkin constant in L2,
in Abstracts of the Internat. Conf.:
Achievement and Development of Mathematics in Framework
of Program "Kazakhstan in Third Millennium"
(Almaty, Oct. 26-28, 2000), Institute of Mathematics,
Almaty, 2000, page 63. Bibliogr.: 3 ref. In Russian.
- (Coauthors: V.V. Arestov and M.V. Deikalova ) Delsarte problem connected with spherical 1/3-code,
Approximation Theory and its Applications, Proc.
of the Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine,
v. 31, 2000, pp. 33-48.
- About an interval of the constancy of the minimal
Jackson-Stechkin constant in L2,
in Abstracts of Communications of the
Workshop "Modern Methods of the Theory of Functions and Adjacent
Problems", Voronezh, Russia, January 27 - February 4, 2001,
Voronezh Gos. Univ., Voronezh, 2001, pp. 23-24.
In Russian.
- Estimations of optimal point of minimal Jackson constant
in space Lp for
in Abstracts of Communications of the
All-Russia Conference "Algorithmical Analysis of
Instable Problems" Russia, Ekaterinburg,
February 26 - March 2, 2001, Ural. Gos. Univ., Ekaterinburg,
2001, pp. 12-13. Bibliogr.: 4 ref. In Russian.
- Minimal Jackson-Stechkin constant in L2,
in Proceeding of the Internat. Conf.:
Achievement and Development of Mathematics in Framework
of Program "Kazakhstan in Third Millennium"
(Almaty, October 26-28, 2000), Institute of Mathematics,
Almaty, 2001, pp. 72-76. Bibliogr.: 6 ref. In Russian.
- Universal lower bound for Jackson-Stechkin constant in L2
// Theory of Approximations and Harmonic Analysis.
Abstracts of Reports. Collection of Abstracts of Reports
of Participants of 10th Section of Ukrainian Congress of Mathematics
devoted to the 200th anniversary of the birth of M. V. Ostrohrads'ky
(Kyiv, Ukraine, August 21-23, 2001), Institute of Mathematics of
the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, Kyiv, 2001,
pp. 5-6. Bibliogr.: 2 ref.
- On the Jackson-Stechkin inequality for the best L2-approximations
of functions by trigonometric polynomials
// Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Suppl. 1, 2001, pp. S30-S47.
Translated from Trudy Instituta Matematiki i Mekhaniki UrO RAN, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2001.
Bibliogr.: 66 ref.
- Jackson-Stechkin inequality and related extremal problems,
in Abstracts of Conference "Functional Methods in Approximation Theory,
Operator Theory, Stochastic Analysis and Statistics"
(Kyiv, Ukraine, October 19-22, 2001),
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, 2001, p. 3.
- Direct theorems of approximation theory, exact constants
and related extremal problems,
in Modern Problems of the Theory of Functions and Their
Applications, Abstracts of Communications of the
11th Saratov Winter School held in Saratov
in memory of the famous Professors N.K.Bari and D.E.Men'shov
from Moscow State University, January 28 - February 4, 2002,
Saratov. Gos. Univ., Saratov, 2002. To appear. In Russian.
- (Coauthor: V.V. Arestov)
Continuity of the Best Constant in the Jackson Inequality in L2
with respect to Argument of Modulus of Continuity
// Approximation Theory:
A volume dedicated to Blagovest Sendov.
Submitted in 2001. Bibliogr.: 15 ref.